District Learning Support Team

The Greater Victoria School District has a wide range of District professionals who work with our classroom teachers to ensure that students’ diverse learning needs are met. Accessing these supports is done through the School-Based Team at your home school. SBT is a collaborative problem-solving team that works to develop educational programs for students who may or may not have special education designations.

District Contacts

Sean PowellActing Deputy Superintendentspowell@sd61.bc.ca
Sean McCartneyDistrict Principalsemccartney@sd61.bc.ca
Jessie MooreDistrict Vice Principaljesmoore@sd61.bc.ca
Tara LeachAdministrative Assistanttleach@sd61.bc.ca
Katrina McGeeDistrict Learning Support Teacher (Behaviour Analyst)kmcgee@sd61.bc.ca
Tanya RossDistrict Learning Support Teacher tross@sd61.bc.ca
Debra Caso-Rohland
District Learning Support Teacherdcaso@sd61.bc.ca
Laurissa Evancio
District Learning Support Teacherlevancio@sd61.bc.ca
Breanne GloverDistrict Learning Support Teacherbglover@sd61.bc.ca
Tresa MarshallDistrict Learning Support Teachertmarshall@sd61.bc.ca
Monique Moore
District Counsellor mmoore@sd61.bc.ca
Maureen von Tigerstrom
District Counsellor mvontigerstrom@sd61.bc.ca
Jen AstonDistrict Lead Youth and Family Supportjaston@sd61.bc.ca
Marnice JonesMental Health Resource Coordinatormjones@sd61.bc.ca
Jennifer BarberDistrict Multilingual Learner Supportjbarber@sd61.bc.ca