Partner in Your Child’s Education

There is a strong body of evidence connecting parent/guardian engagement to improved academic achievement for students of all ages. From early literacy, to attendance and motivation, and retention and graduation rates, the evidence confirms the importance of valuing and supporting parent/guardian engagement in learning.

Working in collaborative partnership with educators you play a vital role in your child(ren)’s education. You can contribute valuable information to inform programming to best meet your child’s changing needs. Effective partnerships happen when all partners contribute their knowledge, expertise and resources in respectful and meaningful ways.

Here are some suggestions on how parents and guardians can support their child’s education:

  • Regularly ask children what they are learning and doing at school, and praise real effort and achievements.
  • Take an interest in homework, provide help where needed and offer encouragement and support for children to solve problems for themselves.
  • Have high expectations for children’s academic success and their behaviour.
  • Encourage physical activity and set reasonable boundaries for television, electronic games and online socializing.
  • Have positive interactions with school staff; share knowledge, ideas and concerns.